Thursday, 12 March 2015


 By using Prezi and collaborating it with other platforms such as Powtoon, Emaze and Movie Maker, I have presented my response to the evaluation questions in a creative and interactive manner. By doing so, the audience can easily be enticed and entertained through the use of wide range platforms.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Evaluation: Question 3

I have presented my response to Question 3 creatively and efficiently using Emazw. I have discussed about how audience feedback helped us achieve our current projects and what we learned from it.

Powered by emaze

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Evaluation: Question 2

I have presented my response to Question 2 creatively and efficiently using sources from spriters-resources and edited the images in Adobe Photoshop CS3. I then went on and recorded the audio and edited the video in Windows Movie Maker. I have discussed about how effective my combination was of both the main media product and ancillary text.


Monday, 9 March 2015

Evaluation: Question 1

I have presented my response to Question 1 creatively and efficiently using Powtoon. I have discussed about how my music video and ancillary texts develop and/or challenged real media conventions.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Evaluation Write Up

This is my write up for my evaluation, in which I made perceptive comments and intentions about the final music video and ancillary texts I created.


Friday, 20 February 2015

Final Audience Feedback

In this post, I will presenting the final audience feedback we got for our music video. It is essential to get feedback so that we know if our audience liked our video and to find out what we did well and what we can improve on.

Final Audience Feedback from Thenz801

This is another feedback we got from YouTube. As of date, there are 93 Views, 4 likes and 1 dislikes. This shows that our music video is well-received by the audience, which we also proved in the feedback we got from the survey. However, the one 1 dislike shows that our music video is open for improvement which we also considered when we got the results from the survey.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Album Digipak

I have created a digipak for my album METANOIA. The main colour scheme is black, red and white and this is to fit the given genre which is indie rock/rock. It also adheres to the theme and the music video we created which is about vampire and dark themes.
METANOIA means "change" which relates to the transformation of the artists. It also links to the narrative of the music video in which the main character transforms from a human to a vampire.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Album Digipak Process

In this post, I will be discussing the processes to create the digipak.
Media Used: Adobe Photoshop CS6

Firstly, I took the template and created another layer to create a CD Art. I also added a gray background to make a neutral base for my digipak.

For the first photo, which will be in the CD background, I created the same effects I did for the album advert. This is to relate both the advert and digipak together.
The next block is a band image. I put everything in low key lighting and inserted a Gothic background, and blended the two photos together.

In this photo, I took the font which had the highest vote from my previous poll and added some effects to it such as Drop Shadows and Colour Overlay. I also added this rose icon which was inspired by the TV Programme "Vampire Knight".

I also added the spine and some gradient for both the artist and album title.

I added the poster image to create the link between the advert and digipak and maintain coherence. I also added the list of songs which is an important convention for a digipak.

Lastly, I edited the CD Art and inserted the list of songs to the ellipsis of the CD. The circle is inspired by the TV Programme "Full Metal Alchemist" and how this human transmutation circle helped the main characters change which relates to the album title "Metanoia" which means change.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Album Advert

In this post, I will be presenting my band's album advert. I have followed my layout and shown the typical conventions of an album advert. I also used a low key lighting so that it can fit to the indie rock/rock genre of the artist. Also, the low key lighting reflects the album's number 1 hit single "Monster" which has a dark and fantasy theme.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Photoshop Tutorials

These are the Photoshop tutorial I found on YouTube to create the demon/ Tokyo Ghoul Eyes and make the theme more effective and enticing for the audience.