Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Below is a list of our locations of filming with possible issues we may face trying to film in each and solutions to overcoming these problems.

Photographs of location
Possible issues
How to overcome issues
Location 1

There may be quite a lot of unnecessary objects in the bathroom.

We may also be tight for space with the bathroom most likely being quite small making it difficult to film.
The objects that we don’t want in the frame can be moved away easily.

We have found a bathroom suitable for filming and will take a lot of portable camera shots to battle any possible problems of filming in certain areas.
Location 2

The bedroom will play a huge part in creating an overall representation of the main artist and so has to look a certain way which may be difficult as we may not find a bedroom matching our desired image.
We will decorate the room accordingly with permission and then take it down after we are finished.
Location 3

The weather can heavily affect our process of filming with it possibly damaging our equipment.

The number of pedestrians on the street is unpredictable, meaning possible interruptions may occur.
We will check the weather forecasts before heading out.

We will station ourselves accordingly in response to how busy one street may be and one may not be.
Location 4

A possible issue was whether we’d be allowed to film at the cemetery or not.

There is an issue of lighting with us having the plan of having all filming at the cemetery take place at night.
We asked those in charge of the location who gave us permission to film.

The cemetery has some lights set up during the night and just in case, we will also bring sources of portable lighting.
Location 5

The main issue associated with this location is that of availability as the stage and drama pod within the school are not always free for use.
We will book the stage beforehand to ensure we are able to use it at the time we need to.

By: Kawsar

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