Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Album Advert Process

In this post, I will be discussing the processes to create the album advert.
Media Used: Adobe Photoshop CS6

Firstly, I used the Paint Bucket Tool and filled in a black background. I then used a Filter > Render > Lens Flare.

I opened an image of David, our drummer and changed the Brightness & Contrast, and the Hue & Saturation of the image.

I then added a new layer with a layer mask to create the black filling on one eye area. I also added a layer mask > Solid Color > then selected the colour red to create the red eye effect. I was trying to replicate a very popular look which was popularised by the TV Show - Tokyo Ghoul.

I also used this effect on the images we took of Riordan (guitarist) and Kawsar (vocalist).

I then added these image on the black background with the lens flares as an effect.

I then duplicated the layers to create a "sinister" tone to the advert. Then I added both the logo design for the artist name and album name.
The also added an effect to these logos - Blending Options > Color Overlay; Blending Options > Drop Shadow

Then I added some details such as the album cover, featured song, release date, record company logo and artist website.

I then added small icons to show where the album will be released - iTunes, Spotify and HMV.

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